Eng’INSA, an international engineering course, welcomed its first group of students at INSA Toulouse in September 2018. It targets English-speaking and bilingual English-French students who wish to enroll in a top-level multidisciplinary programme with the aim of pursuing international careers in engineering and holding top management and leadership positions in research & industry.
A C1 level in English and B1 level in French on the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CERFL) are required to enroll in the course.
The core program consists of engineering-related scientific subjects with professional communication and management modules offering an introduction to international and intercultural issues. The first year courses are taught in English. Additional French as a Foreign Language/French for Academic Purposes courses are offered so that all students can then complete the full 5-year degree program.
The subsequent undergraduate and postgraduate courses are taught in French and/or English, depending on the year and the department: Eng’INSA students are therefore trained to work as top level engineers and managers in multi-lingual and multicultural settings.
International leadership
Throughout their studies, Eng’INSA students can choose from a range of management and leadership modules offered both at INSA Toulouse and at some of our academic partners in Toulouse and abroad, learn two foreign languages, and study and/or work at one of our partner institutions throughout the world, thus offering them the possibility of developing a strong international profile.
Course content as well as teaching methods (small groups, blended learning, problem-based learning, etc.) have been designed so as to train students to handle complex situations, become team managers and lead innovative projects in multicultural, international environments.
The deadlines for the application vary depending on the “vivier” (ie. the region from where you apply). More details accessible on the common admission website of the Groupe INSA.
Latin America and Caribbean (“VIVIER AMERIQUE LATINE et CARAIBES”)
Two sessions :
Pour les deux sessions : Ouverture des candidatures en ligne au 02/11/2021
- 1ère Session :
- fermeture des candidatures en ligne : 18/11/2021
- Date limite du paiement des droits de candidature (minuit heure continent pour le paiement en ligne) : 18/11/2021
- Chargement du dossier de candidature et saisie des notes : 23/11/2021
- 2ème Session :
- fermeture des candidatures en lignes : 15/02/2022
- Date limite du paiement des droits de candidature (minuit heure continent pour le paiement en ligne) : 15/02/2022
- Chargement du dossier de candidature et saisie des notes : 22/02/2022
- Pays concernés : Tous les pays + ILE MAURICE
- Ouverture des candidatures en ligne : 02/11/2021
- Fermeture des candidatures en ligne : 06/05/2022
- Date limite du paiement des droits de candidature (minuit heure continent pour le paiement en ligne) : 06/05/2022
- Chargement du dossier de candidature et saisie des notes : le 16/05/2022
- Ouverture des candidatures en ligne : le 02/11/2021
- Fermeture des candidatures en ligne : le 06/05/2022
- Date limite du paiement des droits de candidature (minuit heure continent pour le paiement en ligne) : 06/05/2022
- Chargement du dossier de candidature et saisie des notes : le 16/05/2022
Applications are handled centrally by the Groupe INSA. The Eng’INSA course coordinators then select the students either through Groupe INSA international jurys (for international students), or through a specific INSA Toulouse jury which takes place in late August/early September (for students holding a French baccalauréat).
Admission criteria:
- Students without a French baccalauréat (or equivalent):
- End-of-secondary education qualification at a foreign institution; the programme is highly selective so applicants must be able to provide evidence of high academic achievements in science and technology
- A minimum B1 level in French or equivalent; an official certificate is required
- A minimum C1 level in English or equivalent; an official certificate is required.
- To apply, click on the following link to go on the Groupe INSA’s website.
- Students with a French baccalauréat:
- Your application is processed through ParcoursSup.
- Once you are officially admitted to INSA Toulouse, you will then need to specifically apply to Eng’INSA by providing: an official English language certificate showing a C1 level; high school English grades from “Seconde” to “Terminale” and an application letter in English. Deadlines for submitting your application can be found on the previous section
Tuition fees for the first year in 2021/2022 are (for information purposes ; subject to modifications) :
- 1900€ for students with a secondary education (high school) diploma from a European country (“vivier Europe”)
- 5000€ for other students (“vivier Monde et Amérique Latine et Caraïbes”)
French students applying via Parcoursup only pay the national tuition fees (601€ in 2020/2021).
Contact : Barbara MOORE and Anthony REVEILLAC
Studies Coordinators enginsa @ insa-toulouse.fr